The air was crisp. The sky was painted with thousands of stars. The road was empty. The mountains were deflecting a scenic view between the road and the wondrous milky way.
I had been visualizing a moment where I could capture the stars and milky way in the night sky. In Oregon, this dream soon transformed into
a reality. The milky way, shining stars, and the empty road, pulled this photograph together. The road with its unique feature compliments the night’s stars and galaxy.
Capturing this dreamy photography required meticulous measurements, timing, and lighting in a specific time of the year.
After a long wait, I was ecstatic to go into the Canyon and explore what it had to offer. When I walked into it, it felt like I walked through a portal and stepped into a new world. The shapes my eyes had ever seen or imagined appeared in front of me with different colors and textures. As the sun shifted throughout the day, different hidden shapes could be seen and different colors were intensified whether it be this canyon’s reds, yellows, oranges, pinks, or purples, the colors were extraordinary. One of the tour guides had told me that it takes an imagination and an open mind to explore this canyon because it speaks to people and reveals itself as long as you listen. I was intrigued and as I looked at the canyon with this new perspective, a hidden bear formed in front of me, molded between the canyons rocks.
Although wind can not be seen physically, we can still feel the cool and crisp sensation that allows us to know that it’s there. This is a similar phenomenon when describing love; an emotion that is within us all, yet its physical essence can not be seen
As I walked into this cave, I had a sudden urge to look up which then revealed to me the sun shining into the cave, revealing these rocks’ surplus and bright colors. The rocks took the formation of my inner assumption regarding the shape of wind. It was portraying a frozen yet swirling presence, all the while revealing a heart to show that although we can not see all things, these forces of nature and emotional feelings are still alive and within us all.
Bodies of water can separate two different worlds. We can see this by how oceans separate seven continents and on each continent, different types of people with differences in culture, styles, foods, and traditions exist. Sometimes it’s hard to imagine how this Earth occupies seven billion people and how we are separated through land and water.
When taking this photograph, this phenomenon hit me. This lake which runs under the Golden Gate Bridge separates two different worlds. One is suburban and the other is a city with busy lives and tall skyscrapers.
The land is just a few miles away from one another, yet the atmosphere is completely different.