It took me quite a bit of time to find this eccentric tree. What felt like being lost on a mystical journey, finding this tree was an endeavour that was worth the drive. As I approached this tree and recognized its individuality, I realized that it was worthy of a great photograph which would show off its unique features. With this came having to patiently wait for the sun to move to the perfect spot which would then appear to have the entire tree glistening due to the sun’s rays. This beautiful shot was worth the long wait as it is scenes like this which reveal the beauty and uniqueness of the trees in our world.
As I waited for the dull and somber clouds to fade, they soon became a part of the picture I wanted to capture. When the wavelength of light reflected onto the clouds, it brought the picture to life through brightening the atmosphere, darkening the powerful rocks, and displaying the water as a cool and still blue. The similar appearance between the calm water and silk clouds, both being smooth and leveled, presents an eye-catching contrast when transitioning between the water and sky. The aged and rugged rocks protruding out of the water with hills nearby made me feel like I was visiting all of my favorite elements at once.
I was looking for a field of lilies and stumbled at this magical scenery. While I was taking photographs I realized that there was no place quite like it. Hundreds of thousands of lilies occupied this field with a nearby narrow stream a few yards to the left leading to the ocean. The tranquil flow of water, calm breeze, and chirping of birds heading back to their nests as the day drawed to an end made me feel comforted and warm inside.
This valley caught my eye as the vast number of lilies extended far out into the horizon. The strong floral smell and picturesque scenery made me feel secure and comforted, reminding me of home. The great number of flowers reminded me that being together with the ones you love is what produces comfort and openness. Just like the flowers open petals reaching up towards the warm sun, love is a similar warm feeling.
Although wind can not be seen physically, we can still feel the cool and crisp sensation that allows us to know that it’s there. This is a similar phenomenon when describing love; an emotion that is within us all, yet its physical essence can not be seen
As I walked into this cave, I had a sudden urge to look up which then revealed to me the sun shining into the cave, revealing these rocks’ surplus and bright colors. The rocks took the formation of my inner assumption regarding the shape of wind. It was portraying a frozen yet swirling presence, all the while revealing a heart to show that although we can not see all things, these forces of nature and emotional feelings are still alive and within us all.